Charter Presentation Ceremony on 13 July 2013

Program Schedule of Charter Presentation Ceremony on 13 July 2013 8:30 AM at International Club, Sanepa

8:30 AM to 9:00 AM –  Fellow Breakfast

1. Dias Call 9:00 AM

  • Rtn Jeevan, Kumar Shrestha –  President, RC Patan
  • Rtn Anil Shrestha – Charter President, Rotary E-Club of District 3292
  • Chief Guest Rtn Dilendra Raj Shrestha  – District Governor
  • Rtn Yogendra Man Pradhan – Immediate Past District Governor
  • Rtn Tirtha Man Sakya – Past President RC Patan and PDG
  • Rtn  Siba Bhakta Raj Bhandary – Governor’s Special Representative
  • Rtn  Lalita Thapa –   Acting Secretary, RC Patan
  • Rtn Pawan Shrestha- Charter Secretary/Webmaster, Rotary E-Club of District 3292

2. Meeting Call to order by  President Rtn Jeevan Shrestha

3. Silent Invocation

4. Recognition of  District Governors  and presentation of flower bouquet

5. Recognition of District Officials, Charter Club team, Rotaract club President and Secretary, Innerwheel club members and guests

6. Welcome address by President Rtn Jeevan  Kuamr Shrestha

7. President Jeevan requests Governor’s Special Representative (GSR) to deliver his remarks and take over for further proceedings

8. Remarks by GSR Rtn Siba Bhakta Rajbhandary

9. Introduction of DG Rtn Dilendra Raj Shrestha by PP Rtn Kedar Bhakta Shrestha

10. Release of 1st edition of Rotary E-Club Newsletter and launching of club official website by DG

11. Release of 1st edition of Rotary E-Club Newsletter by DG

12. Introduction of Charter President Rtn Anil Shrestha by Charter Secretary Pawan Shrestha

13. GSR requests DG to present President Collar, Rotary pin and Charter Certificate to Charter President Rtn. Anil Shrestha.

14. GSR request District Governor to administer oath to the Charter President

15.  GSR request Charter President to deliver his acceptance speech and introduces his board and charter members and their spouse

16. Charter President to administer oath to the office bearers

17. DG presents lapel pins to board members and charter members

18. RCP President presents bouquets to Charter president and Charter members and the RCP First lady presents bouquet to the spouses of Charter members

19. A few “Satbachan” by Senior Rtn Kamal Mani Dixit

20. Congratulatory message  by PDG Tirtha Man Sakya

21.  Address by the Chief Guest DG Rtn. Dilendra Raj Shrestha

22. Charter President presents a special “Token of Love” to DG

23. Vote of Thanks by Charter President-Elect Rtn Mahesh Bajracharya

24. Toast proposal by clapping:

  • Charter President Rtn Anil Shrestha proposes toast for the good health and happiness of all Nepalese and for the peace and prosperity of Nepal
  • Charter President Nominee Rtn Tonil Maharjan proposes toast for the health and happiness of RI President John Burton, First Lady Jetta and for the greater success of Rotary International

25. Charter President adjourns the meeting

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Charter Certificate